Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Penchant for Pencey

Holden Caulfield may have famously said, "People never notice anything," but the collection Pencey, named for his boarding school in Catcher in the Rye, begs to differ. Designers Christina Minasian and Tora Lopez, former stylist/Kitson buyer and former L.A.M.B. designer, have tastemakers taking notice with their knack for tailoring whimsical punk. 
Holiday '08

Spring '09

Friday, November 14, 2008

Rip It, Rip It Good

Take inspriration from Edward Scissorhands

and Alexander Wang

and snip some style into your jeans, tees, and tights.

And lucky for those of us surgically challenged, you can just buy that "oh I've had these for years and wore them to paint my garage" kind of history straight from the source.

Go on, chop chop!

(from top: image from spread in my scrapbook, pages from Barney's Co-op fall catalog, Oak midskinny black trashed jeans, Current/Elliott skinny slouch in loved destroy)