Saturday, June 6, 2009

mon obsession du jour

les chaînes de corps!

ever since i laid eyes on erin wasson's body chains from her collection, low luv, she used to style models for the collaboration with alex wang last year, i've been in luv. in fact i think that body chains are the personification of what i aspire to be: cool. unique. minimalist while ultra sexy. (i said aspire friends.)

this week i finally caved and turned to the saving grace of style for a gal who seems a million miles from l.a./n.y.c.- The body chains they feature by Victorian Hippie are all the aforementioned but much more thrifty (ugh that word is so not cool, unique, nor sexy). i melted when mr. postman delivered it on friday and just keep thinking about all the ways i will wear it this summer. stay tuned for pics (cross my heart).